Le stockage de l’énergie : analyse de marché et prévisions

Le stockage de l’énergie répartie est l’un des marchés les plus dynamiques pour le stockage de l’énergie à l’échelle mondiale. En particulier, le stockage d’énergie pour les marchés résidentiel et commercial a largement dépassé les attentes de l’industrie pour la croissance et le volume du marché en 2014 et est sur le point croître dans les marchés importants. Bien qu’il y ait un regain d’intérêt dans le stockage de l’énergie communautaire en Europe occidentale, ce segment restera derrière les marchés résidentiels et commerciaux.
Des défis demeurent pour le marché des systèmes répartis de stockage d’énergie (DESS). Des progrès doivent encore être accomplis dans la réduction des coûts, des logiciels et des contrôles, et de l’expertise de l’intégration de cette technologie de stockage. Les gagnants actuels du marché sont les fournisseurs qui ont cultivé de solides réseaux de distribution et offrent un ou plusieurs des éléments suivants, en plus de stockage d’énergie: logiciels de pointe et des contrôles, des structures de financement alternatives, ou PV intégré. En outre, la technologie au lithium-ion (Li-ion) a établi une nette avance sur le marché comme étant la technologie de choix pour toutes les applications, mais surtout dans le stockage d’énergie résidentiel et commercial. Selon Navigant recherche, la puissance installée mondiale de DESS devrait croître de 171,9 MW en 2014 à 12,147.3 MW en 2024.
Distributed energy storage is one of the fastest-growing markets for energy storage globally. In particular, residential and commercial energy storage have far exceeded industry expectations for growth and market volume in 2014 and are poised grow into significant markets. Although there is renewed interest in community energy storage in Western Europe, this segment will continue to lag behind the residential and commercial markets.
Market challenges remain for distributed energy storage systems (DESSs) as advances still need to be made in cost reductions, software and controls, and integration expertise across nearly every storage technology. The current market winners are vendors that have cultivated strong distribution networks and offer one or more of the following in addition to energy storage: advanced software and controls, alternative financing structures, or integrated PV. Moreover, lithium ion (Li-ion) has established a clear lead in the market as the technology of choice across all applications, but especially in residential and commercial energy storage. According to Navigant Research, global installed DESS power capacity is expected to grow from 171.9 MW in 2014 to 12,147.3 MW in 2024.
This Navigant Research report analyzes the global market for DESSs, with a focus on three distinct applications: community energy storage (specifically energy storage at the distributed transformer), residential energy storage (with and without solar PV), and commercial energy storage. The study provides an analysis of the market issues, opportunities, and challenges associated with distributed energy storage. Global market forecasts for power capacity, energy capacity, and revenue, broken out by application, technology, region, and ownership model, extend through 2024. The report also examines the key technologies related to DESSs, as well as the competitive landscape.
Key questions addressed
The Navigant report looks at these questions:
• What is the market for distributed energy storage, globally?
• Which technologies will lead the market for distributed energy storage and which will be the losers?
• How quickly will the market for distributed energy storage systems (DESSs) grow globally and why?
• What are the key market and technology issues related to DESSs?
• Which countries and global regions will lead the market for DESSs and why?
• What market segments should each DESS technology target and why?
Read the full report: http://www.navigantresearch.com/research/community-residential-and-commercial-energy-storage.