Un nouveau rapport montre que le marché de la construction écologique croît de façon constante alors que les propriétaires y voient de plus en plus d’avantages


 Des sondages montrent en effet que le marché canadien de la construction écologique connaîtra une croissance importante aux cours des trois prochaines années. Les entreprises canadiennes envisagent d’avoir plus de pratiques de développement durable dans une proportion d’un tiers et près de la moitié des entreprises le feront en 2017. Ce sont certaines des informations que vous retrouverez dans le nouveau rapport intitulé Canada Green Building Trends: Benefits Driving the New and Retrofit Market. C’est le premier rapport canadien renfermant ce type d’information.

On y apprend également qu’une modernisation écologique des installations fait monter la valeur d’un édifice de 4 %, on y dit également que 82 % des propriétaires d’édifices écologiques disent avoir diminué leur consommation énergétique et 68 % disent avoir réduit leur consommation d’eau. 

According to a new report by McGraw Hill Construction, the next three years could see the Canadian green building market go through a growth spurt.

The report, commissioned by the Canada Green Building Council, is the first of its kind in Canada. It not only found that the Canadian firms that were surveyed for the report are “expecting to grow their green practices from one third in 2014 to one half by 2017,” but that the financial benefits of building green, as well as the social ones, are emerging as prime motivators for doing so. 

“This report confirms that the Canadian marketplace recognizes that a rigorous approach to green building improves the quality of building projects and sets the stage for realizing financial, environmental and health benefits,” said Thomas Mueller, president and CEO of the Canada Green Building Council. “The business case for green buildings in Canada is strong, which translates into growing demand and investment over the next three years.” 

Payback Time

Titled, Canada Green Building Trends: Benefits Driving the New and Retrofit Market, the report found that companies that invest in green buildings are seeing payback on their investments. The survey found that the median reduction in operating costs over five years came in at 17 percent, while median payback for investing in a new green building came in at eight years. That payback number lines up with studies McGraw has done in the U.S. and globally, they said. 


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