L’énergie dans les maisons branchées en 2015 : Évolution de la technologie et aperçu des stratégies

Home Energy Management Vendor Ecosystem. Source: GTM Research
Propulsé par l’intérêt croissant des consommateurs pour les appareils intelligents et le développement de l’informatique en nuage,le marché résidentiel est dans sa troisième phase définie par une abondance de technologies. Un nouveau rapport souligne que dans un environnement qui fait la promotion de l’efficacité énergétique et une offre plus flexible financièrement, des objectifs gouvernementaux en matière environnementale et des efforts faits pour améliorer la gestion des pointes énergétiques, le marché résidentiel évolue vers des solutions globales et délaisse les solutions par appareils individuels.
Spurred by the rapid increase of consumer interest in smart devices, coupled with innovation in cloud platform development, the residential energy management market is entering its third phase, defined by an abundance of analytics-driven technologies.
In an environment that promotes energy efficiency and wider adoption of variable pricing schemes, state-mandated targets and efforts to improve peak load control led utilities to define and deploy HEMS 1.0 technology through direct load control and thermostat programs. More recently, reports GTM Research, bundled residential services from blue chip and start-up service providers that incorporate energy management have challenged utilities’ limited incumbent position. By offering a greater variety of services that extend past traditional core competencies and into services that go beyond energy management, service providers are steadily realizing increased customer traction, as the market moves from point solution devices to holistic cloud-based platforms.
Focusing primarily on the U.S. and Canadian markets, a GTM Research report examines the rapidly evolving and emerging technology landscape that is shifting the entire vendor and service provider ecosystem. It analyzes how transformations in traditional thinking have forced players to re-examine go-to-market strategies, opening new channels and forging novel relationships to ultimately reach the end-consumer. As clearer value propositions continue to emerge, a range of multi-vendor developed offerings is priming the market for a new wave of home software products and services.
The report includes:
• marketanalysis and description
• industry drivers, trends, barriers and technology evolution
• utility and service provider strategies and business models
• market taxonomies and competitive vendor/solution provider landscapes
• notable insights into utility residential programs
• market and financial activity: mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, investments, etc.
Find out more: http://www.greentechmedia.com/research/report/energy-in-the-connected-home-2015.