Les meilleures applications de sécurité – 2015

Si l’on tient compte d’un certain nombre de facteurs comme le coût, la taille de l’application, la pertinence du contenu, le design, les procédures d’abonnement et d’enregistrement et la possibilité d’utiliser l’application hors ligne, voici une liste des meilleures applications de sécurité selon Paul Colangelo, directeur national des programmes de conformité à l’ASSE. Il aanalysé plus de 150 applications.Consultez la liste des 10 meilleures applications selon son analyse.
Paul Colangelo, National Director of Compliance Programs for the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), recently went through an exhaustive research process to decide on the 10 apps he finds most valuable to workers. Colangelo presented his findings at ASSE’s Safety 2015 Professional Development Conference and Exposition.
In the process of evaluating 150 apps, Colangelotook a number of factors into account, including cost, size of the app, content (is it relevant?), design, subscription model, registration requirements, and whether or not the app has an offline mode.
His list, which was not ranked, goes like this:
• Electrical Safety Tests
• Incident Cost Calculator
• Pocket First Aid
• OSHA Health Safety Tool
• NIOSH Ladder Safety
• NIOSH Pocket Guide to Hazardous Chemicals
• Fall Clear Lite
• AccuWeather
• ILO Ergonomic Checkpoints
• I-Auditor
Find out more about each app by searching for their name online.
Reprinted with permission from Occupational Health & Safety magazine, (c) 1105 Media Inc.