Rencontrez Don MacKinnon, président du Power Workers’ Union

Don Mackinnon EHRC

10 février 2016

Corenne Taylor

Le 9 décembre dernier, Don MacKinnon, président du Power Workers’ Union (PWU), a reçu le prestigieux prix du Dirigeant de l’année 2015 par Ressources humaines, Industrie électrique du Canada. Le prix soulignait les efforts de MacKinnon et du PWU visant à développer le bassin de talents disponibles dans l’industrie de l’électricité, et de faire de cette industrie une destination de carrière attirante. L’Electrical Industry a eu la chance d’échanger avec MacKinnon et de discuter de ses réflexions sur l’état de l’industrie, les possibilités et les défis actuels ainsi que les actions prises afin de s’assurer de répondre aux besoins en électricité, d’aujourd’hui et du futur.

On December 9, 2015, Don MacKinnon, President of the Power Workers Union (PWU) was presented with the prestigious award of 2015 Leader of the Year by Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC). The award was in recognition of the efforts MacKinnon and the PWU have put into developing the available talent pool of workers for the power industry and making it a more desirable career destination.

Electrical Industry had the opportunity to speak with MacKinnon and discuss his thoughts on the state of the industry, current opportunities and challenges, and measures that are being taken to ensure power needs are met now and in the future.

Meet Don MacKinnon
Don MacKinnon, recent winner of EHRC’s 2015 Leader of the Year award, is the President of the PWU. He started his career over four decades ago as a Lineman (now referred to as a Line Tech) and throughout his career has used his inside perspective and personal experience to fight for workers’ rights and press for improvements within the industry.

As President, MacKinnon is responsible for leading the PWU and providing guidance on direction. However, he was quick to point out that it is a very democratic organization and he relies heavily on the strong leadership team in place in order to make the best possible strategic and directional decisions. The PWU was developed to represent power workers as well as drive innovation and improvements within the power industry itself. According to its website, the PWU is “committed to delivering a promising future for our membership and continuing to help keep the lights on for all Ontarians.”

MacKinnon’s early role as a Lineman and the experiences he had are what eventually led him to his current role. When he began his career, safety standards were not nearly adequate to keep workers safe, and far too many lost limbs or even their lives. In 1978, a government bill was passed creating the need for health and safety reps within the industry, and this was a role MacKinnon knew he just had to be in. Since then, he has continued to campaign tirelessly for workers’ rights and improvements within the industry. While the pressing issues have evolved substantially over the past 40 years, there is still much that needs to change, and MacKinnon and the PWU continue to fight for that change.

Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Power Industry
MacKinnon expressed that he is very excited about the future of the power industry. There are many exciting changes happening and he sees the role of power growing exponentially in the future. The challenge that he envisions is ensuring there are enough qualified workers to meet the demands of tomorrow.

The PWU has worked tirelessly to improve conditions within the industry and have made impressive progress. Over the past several decades, safety conditions have improved tremendously, as have working conditions and benefits provided to workers, though MacKinnon mentions there are still strides to be made. While years ago the safety concerns centred around physical safety, mental health has cropped up as the new safety concern. The PWU is actively providing workers with education and information to highlight this concern as well as working to overcome the stigma prevalent in the industry that mental health is not a serious or ‘real’ safety concern.

A career in the power industry has become one that is desirable, challenging, and full of opportunity for advancement. One key challenge is communicating this message to the general public. While substantial improvements have been made within the industry, it still remains a difficult sell to some parents to encourage or support their children to pursue such a path.

Developing Future Talent
To address the power needs of tomorrow, MacKinnon and his team at PWU are putting in the ground work today. The PWU has developed school outreach programs to improve the perception of a career in power as well as to inform members of the community that haven’t traditionally been attracted to the industry.

School Programs
The PWU has launched programs to raise the profile of a career in power at both the post-secondary and elementary level. In high schools, the organization launched programs such as Trade Up in order to gain the support of guidance counsellors and teachers to encourage students to consider a career in the trades as a viable option to other traditional paths, such as university.

Partnerships have also been established with colleges and a spin-off organization, PWU Training Inc., was established near Bruce Power, so that students and apprentices could receive hands-on experience while they learned. The objective of these training programs is not only to provide real-world experience, but also to increase the prestige of the industry and the portablility of skills through association with well-known colleges.

At the elementary level, programs have been set up within Ontario’s Aboriginal communities that work to both encourage the development of future tradespeople and to help those growing up in remote communities master the skill sets necessary to succeed in those careers. When looking to Aboriginal communities for talent, it was not only discovered that many weren’t acquiring the necessary educational prerequisites to enter the trades, but also that there were high rates of child suicide. Further inquiry uncovered that many of these children never learned to read and had difficulties seeing any kind of future for themselves. The PWU supported a program spearheaded by then Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, James Bartleman, to establish reading camps within First Nation communities to develop reading skills, provide life skills and, more importantly, hope to these young children. Started almost a decade ago, the program has seen much success, most notably in the substantial decrease in child suicides.

Alternative Talent Pools
According to MacKinnon, the PWU is heavily invested in developing talent for the power industry from women, Aboriginals, and the Armed Forces. In particular, the Armed Forces presents a great opportunity as many returning from service have skills that map nicely onto the needs of the power industry and are looking for careers that will allow them to capitalize on the skills they acquired in service. Women and Aboriginals also present an attractive selection of talent for different reasons. Women were not traditionally drawn to the trades in the past as these types of careers were seen as more male-oriented roles; however, as more and more women enter the industry, this perception is breaking down. Aboriginals living in remote communities tended to lack the educational prerequisites needed to pursue a career in the trades, something the PWU and others are trying to address with reading and outreach programs.

Final Thoughts on the 2015 Leader of the Year Award
As a closing question, Electrical Industry asked MacKinnon if he felt he deserved the 2015 Leader of the Year award. His answer was two-fold. He was very happy and humbled to have received the award and was glad for the recognition it brought to the PWU and the great work it has done. However, he made it very clear that this win was not a win for him, it was a win for his team and the PWU as a whole, and it was each and every person who works tirelessly at the PWU to advance the rights of workers who truly won the award.

Dedicated, passionate, humble – Don MacKinnon certainly has the hallmarks of a truly great leader. 

Corenne Taylor est rédactrice chez Kerrwil Publications

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