Le Ri4Power de Rittal



Le développement d’une centrale d’énergie a amené son lot de problèmes logistiques et techniques et a été confronté à un envi-ronnement difficile pour Nova Controls pendant l’installation d’une usine de traitement des eaux sur un site de biomasse. La perfor-mance du système Ri4Power a contribué à la solution sur le site. Le panneau devait être maintenu en position. Un bâti rigide et robuste était une priorité. 

The development of a power station plant room provided logistical and technical issues as well as harsh envi-ronmental considerations for Nova Controls during their installation of water treatment PLC for a Yorkshire, UK biomass site. The performance of Rittal’s Ri4power modular switch gear busbar system helped to deliver the solution that the site demands. 

Location of the existing site structure meant that the panel had to be craned in position. Therefore, a rigid and strong framework was a priority. Ri4Power’s welded frame and tested lifting procedures assisted with the in-stallation of the panel within the new power station plant room. 

To protect workers, Rittal’s internal RiLine60 busbar system was shielded and the panel was designed in line with IEC61641 Internal Arc Protection. Form 4 type 6 compartments segregated the control devices, busbar and outgoing terminals, which assisted the cabling on site and offered a higher level of safety. 

The panel was located in a plant room with a possibility of high levels of moisture and the potential for an acidic atmosphere. To reduce any corrosion or damage to the panel, a tropicalized paint finish was used. 

Being of a modular design Rittal’s Ri4Power allowed Nova Controls to make last minute changes to the design layout. 

In addition to Ri4Power system, Nova also utilised Rittal’s RPE Engineering software to generate design verifi-cation documentation that included heat calculations in line with the latest IEC61439 switchgear and Controlgear standards.

“Working with Rittal Ri4Power gave us a proven high quality engineered product, incorporating all the solutions required to meet the demanding Form 4 specifications of our client and the power generation market,” Peter Hubbert of Nova Controls. “This highly flexible product allowed us to design and configure individual compartments with a range of versatile multifunction components, affording us a speedy assembly and a vital cost effective solution in this competitive arena.”

Find out more: http://www.rittal.com/company/introducing_rittal/index.html.


>> Source TOUS vos produits canadiens électriques dans l’Annuaire Goldbook <<



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